February 2020 saw the inaugural London Catastrophe Modelling Awards: an informal, free-to-attend, not-for-profit event, organised by volunteers and for 2022 The London Catastrophe Modelling Awards are back!
Time once again to celebrate the contribution of the best individuals working in catastrophe modelling in the U.K.
Nominations are now closed!
However, tickets are now available (password: CatAwards2022)!
Get your thinking caps on and decide whom you think should be nominated for one of 10 industry awards. These are below, including sponsors - where confirmed:

• Best newcomer (2-3 years established) [Sponsored by Guy Carpenter]
• Lifetime achievement / important contribution award [RMS]
• Best piece of research / evaluation / validation in the last two years [Oasis]
• Best broking analyst [AXA XL]
• Best underwriting analyst [Gallagher Re]
• Industry collaboration champion [Verisk Extreme Event Solutions]
• Leadership award [CoreLogic]
• Resilience & sustainability award [Renaissance Re]
• Diversity & inclusion award [Willis Towers Watson]
• Best modelling company client representative / manager [Aon]
The key aim is to continue highlighting and celebrating the work done by the large catastrophe modelling community that is approaching 30 years old in London and central to most re/insurance companies in the London Market - and yet rarely sees its employees recognised. Nominations are voted upon by a panel that includes each award's sponsor rather than making the awards a popularity contest.
Given the success of the evening, with nearly 200 attendees, we hope that this will now be a yearly event.
Any questions? Please contact LondonCatAwards@gmail.com
Venue and Timings
The awards will take place on the evening of Thursday 13th October 2022 at the Jamie's in Adams Court in the City of London.
There is NO dress code
5.30pm Reception drinks
7pm Awards
8pm Drinks and Canapés
Food and nibbles are provided, thanks to our sponsors.
We are very grateful to Lloyd's of London for being the main sponsor of the event.
We thank our other sponsors here for kindly sponsoring an award on the evening as well as the food and drinks.
The ISCM is generously donating money towards the evening through trophy sponsorship and will provide some details of the ISCM activities in London for 2022/3

Nomination Guidelines
The following rules for nominations are intended to ensure that awards are considered and allocated fairly and in line with the purpose for which the individual awards and event as a whole has been established. They are not intended to be a comprehensive and complete list, and good judgement is expected. If significant uncertainty exists, please contact the awards committee for clarification.
The awards committee will review all nominations to ensure that they comply with both the instructions below and the spirit of the event as intended.
Individuals are not allowed to nominate themselves for any award.
Individuals are limited to one nomination per award.
All nominees must be resident in the UK and have a full- or part-time role involving catastrophe risk within the London Market relevant to the award in which they are nominated.
In general, these awards are for those working in, with, or in connection to: catastrophe modelling, catastrophe risk management or exposure management.
Nominees may work within any associated organisation including but not limited to: insurance / reinsurance companies, brokers, MGAs, Lloyd’s syndicates, catastrophe modelling vendors, software providers or consultancies.
The closing date for nominations is 31st August, 2022. Entries received after this date may not be included at the discretion of the awards committee.
Nominations must include the details as set out below.
If full information is not provided, or if a nominee cannot be contacted, the awards committee may remove them from consideration.
Reason for nomination must not exceed 300 words. Additional words submitted will be removed when provided to the awards committee.
Nominations must be received by email to be included for consideration.
Data Protection Note:
In nominating an individual, various details relating to the nominator are collected by the event organisers (see the YOUR DETAILS section below for the data collected) and might be shared with sponsors. Please provide your consent (or not) by answering question 6.
Nomination Format for Emails
Complete one form per nomination. Please refer to the rules before completing a nomination.
Please send the nomination email to londoncatawards@gmail.com with the subject line "London 2022 Cat Awards nomination"
1. Full Name:
2. Company:
3. Job Title:
4. Email Address:
5. Include in future mailing list for this event: Yes / No
6. Share name and email address with sponsors: Yes / No
a. Award Category:
b. Full Name:
c. Company:
d. Job Title:
e. Email address:
f. Reason for nomination (max 300 words):
2020 Award Categories and Winners
The award categories and winners were:
Best newcomer (2-3 years into career): Georgie Tuffin (Aon) - Sponsored by Emerald Group
Lifetime achievement / important contribution award: Paul Nunn (SCOR) - Sponsored by Artemis
Best piece of research / evaluation / validation in the last year; Andrew Smith, Oliver Wing, Chris Sampson (Fathom) - Sponsored by Oasis
Best vendor client rep: Katharine Stevens (AIR Worldwide) - Sponsored by Eames Consulting Group
Best use of risk analytics to promote resilience: Sarah Jones (JBA Risk) - Sponsored by Risk Management Solutions
Best underwriting analyst: Ryan Dowie (Trans Re) - Sponsored by F Squared
Industry collaboration champion: Dickie Whitaker (OASIS) - Sponsored by AIR Worldwide
Best broking analyst: Mark Lynch (Aon) - Sponsored by Arthur Financial
Leadership award: Emma Washington (Hiscox Re) - Sponsored by CoreLogic
Diversity & inclusion award: Lauren O'Rourke (Liberty Specialty Markets) - Sponsored by Aon